Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
CANADIAN MUSIC WEEK 2013: First Wave of Artists Announced
For Canadian Music Fest 2013
Canadian Music Week is excited to announce the first wave of selected acts scheduled to perform during Canadian Music Fest – March 19-24, 2013 in Toronto.
Now taking over the city for six days, the festival will welcome more
than 1000 artists from Canada and around the globe. From today’s
emerging artists to some of the hottest acts around, below is just a
sampling of what we have in store.
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w/ A$AP Rocky
Tuesday, March 19
Air Canada Centre
Tickets on Sale Now
(in association w/ Live Nation)
w/ Sharon Van Etten
Saturday, March 23
Massey Hall
Tickets on Sale Dec. 7th
(in association w/ Goldenvoice)
w/ guests Thursday, March 21 Virgin Mobile Mod Club Tickets on Sale Dec. 7th |
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w/ guests
Friday, March 22
Randolph Theatre Tickets on Sale Soon |
w/ guests
Saturday, March 23
Phoenix Concert Theatre
Tickets on Sale Dec. 7th
(in association w/ Union Events)
w/ guests Saturday, March 23 Randolph Theatre Tickets on Sale Soon |
As well as showcases from:
Canadian Music Fest wristbands are on sale now For a limited time only, fans can purchase wristbands at a special 2-for-1 offer available only through the website.
Wristbands and Individual tickets for certain shows are also available at Ticketmaster - - or 1.855.985.5000 to charge by phone.
Stay tuned for more shows and announcements coming in January.
- 2 Live Drew (Canada)
- 20 Amp Soundchild (Canada)
- 41st and Home (Canada)
- A$AP Rocky (USA)
- Acres Of Lions (Canada)
- Adaline (Canada)
- Adelleda (Canada)
- Admiral Fallow (Scotland)
- After Runnymede (Canada)
- Alex Leggett (Canada)
- Alexandria Maillot (Canada)
- Ali Milner (Canada)
- Alphabetics (Costa Rica)
- Amanda Merdzan (Australia)
- Andria Simone (Canada)
- Andy Shauf (Canada)
- Angel At My Table (Luxembourg)
- Angela Saini (Canada)
- Anna Rose (USA)
- Antero Lindgren (Finland)
- Anthony Damiao (Canada)
- Armada (USA)
- Ashelin (Canada)
- Ashley Crnic (Canada)
- Atlantis Blueprint (Canada)
- Atom and The Volumes (Canada)
- ATTAGIRL (Canada)
- Autumn Owls (Ireland)
- Ballroom Jacks (USA)
- beekeeper (Canada)
- Bend Sinister (Canada)
- Billy the Kid (Canada)
- Birthday Girls (Canada)
- Blackchords (Australia)
- Blessed Feathers (USA)
- Bootleg Glory (Canada)
- Bouts (Ireland)
- Boxed Wine (USA)
- Boxeur The Coeur (Italy)
- Boy (Germany)
- Breaching Vista(Canada)
- Brews Willis (Canada)
- Brian Katz (Canada)
- Bronx Cheerleader (Canada)
- Buddy Black (Canada)
- (Canada)
- Cairo Knife Fight (New Zealand)
- Candelora (Canada)
- Carleton Stone (Canada)
- Carmanah (Canada)
- Carnival Moon (Canada)
- Casino(Canada)
- Chloe Charles (Canada)
- Chris Gheran (Canada)
- City of Glass (Canada)
- City Streets (Canada)
- Cityreal (Canada)
- Coldair(Poland)
- Colour Color (Canada)
- Coyote (Canada)
- Crystal Kid (Canada)
- Cultfever (USA)
- Dallas Frasca (Australia)
- Dam Ships (Canada)
- Dan Hubbard and the Humadors (USA)
- Dan Kosub (Canada)
- Dance Laury Dance (Canada)
- Dave Norris & Local Ivan (Canada)
- Deanna Cartea (Canada)
- Dearly Beloved (Canada)
- Deon (Singapore)
- Die By Remote (Canada)
- Dirty Names (USA)
- Dominique Fricot (Canada)
- Double Fuzz (Canada)
- Dreamers (Canada)
- Eastborough (Canada)
- Efterklang (Denmark)
- Elephant Stone (Canada)
- Eli T. x The Mystery (Singapore)
- Endless Dark (Iceland)
- English Words (Canada)
- Esben Svane (Denmark)
- Fade Chromatic (Canada)
- Fairchild (Canada)
- Fake Shark-Real Zombie! (Canada)
- Federal Lights (Canada)
- Fever Marlene (USA)
- Fiction in Motion (Canada)
- Final Thought (Canada)
- Fine Times (Canada)
- FIRExFIRE (Canada)
- First You Get The Sugar (Canada)
- Folly and the Hunter (Canada)
- Frantic Sunday (Sweden)
- FROYA (Malaysia)
- Fun Fact (Canada)
- Funeral Suits (Ireland)
- Fur Eel (Canada)
- Fuss (Canada)
- Gang Related (Iceland)
- Gdansk (Canada)
- Georgia Murray (Canada)
- Giant Hand (Canada)
- Go For The Eyes (Canada)
- Good For Grapes (Canada)
- Graydon James & the Young Novelists (Canada)
- Grey Ghost (Australia)
- Grids (Canada)
- Grounders (Canada)
- Gyles (Canada)
- Handsome Distraction (Canada)
- Harvest Breed (Canada)
- Heather Green (Canada)
- Heaven’s Basement (United Kingdom)
- Heidi Happy (Switzerland)
- Heritage Centre (Ireland)
- Hey Brother (Canada)
- Hisland (Canada)
- Holy Toledo! (Canada)
- Huddle (Canada)
- Hue (Canada)
- Hunger Hush (Canada)
- Hungry Kids of Hungary (Australia)
- Ian Kelly (Canada)
- In My Coma (Canada)
- Inch Chua (Singapore)
- Incura (Canada)
- Irreverend James and the Critical Mass Choir (Canada)
- Ivy James (Canada)
- Jacek Raganowicz Quartet (Poland)
- Jack McNairn (Canada)
- James Arlowe & The Ruffian Circus (USA)
- Jane’s Party (Canada)
- Jean-Sebastien Audet (Canada)
- Jeff Rogers (Canada)
- Jenny (Canada)
- Jenny MacDonald (Canada)
- Jess Hill (Canada)
- JJ Shiplett (Canada)
- JOAL KAMPS (Canada)
- JOJETO (Canada)
- Josh Speers (Canada)
- JP Maurice (Canada)
- Julien Funk and The Painted Thief (USA)
- Jung People (Canada)
- Karim Ouellet (Canada)
- Katie Rox (Canada)
- King Dylan (Canada)
- Kingdom of Few (Canada)
- kool thing (Germany)
- Koreen Perry (Canada)
- Krissy Krissy (USA)
- Krystle Dos Santos (Canada)
- Lakes of Canada (Canada)
- Last Bullet (Canada)
- Leif Vollebekk (Canada)
- Let’s Buy Happiness (United Kingdom)
- LEVON (Canada)
- Lindsey Stirling (USA)
- Low Flying Planes (USA)
- Lowlands (Canada)
- Lumberjunk (Canada)
- Lunic (USA)
- Mac Demarco (Canada)
- Mackenzie Dayle (Canada)
- Maddy Rodriguez (Canada)
- Maneli Jamal (Canada)
- Margot Roi (Canada)
- Mary Rose Obsession (Canada)
- Mary Stewart (Canada)
- Matt Dusk (Canada)
- Meanwood (Canada)
- Meet The Blue (Canada)
- Melissa Lauren (Canada)
- Men in Suits (Canada)
- Metro4 (Canada)
- Miesha and the Spanks (Canada)
- Mo Kenney (Canada)
- Molly Thomason (Canada)
- MONSTER CAT (Singapore)
- Moto Boy (Sweden)
- Mount Moriah (USA)
- Mushy Callahan (Canada)
- N.N. (Canada)
- Netty Mac (Canada)
- nevada drive (Netherlands)
- Never More Then Less (Canada)
- Nick Backovic (Canada)
- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (Australia)
- Noel Johnson (Canada)
- NOONE (France)
- North Lakes (Canada)
- Nuela Charles (Canada)
- Ocean City Defender (Canada)
- Of Gentlemen and Cowards (Canada)
- Old English (Canada)
- Oldbury (Canada)
- Oldfolks Home (Canada)
- One Bad Son (Canada)
- One Day Late (Canada)
- One Way State (Canada)
- OPOPO (Canada)
- Organ Thieves (Canada)
- Ori Dagan (Canada)
- Pandaléon (Canada)
- PANOS (Canada)
- Partycat (Canada)
- Pavlo (Canada)
- Patti Cake (Canada)
- Pear (Canada)
- Pedro Menendez Fusion Ensemble (Argentina)
- Peer Support (Canada)
- Pegasus Warning (USA)
- penny blacks (Canada)
- Persian Rugs (Canada)
- Pet Clinic (USA)
- Peter Katz (Canada)
- Peter Peter (Canada)
- Pick a Piper (Canada)
- Pigeon Hole (Canada)
- Pkew Pkew Pkew (Canada)
- Poor Young Things (Canada)
- Portage and Main (Canada)
- Pumas (Canada)
- Quiet Company (USA)
- Rachel Sermanni (United Kingdom)
- Racoon Bandit (Canada)
- Rain Over St. Ambrose (Canada)
- Rebel Rebel (Canada)
- Reid (Canada)
- Rend (Canada)
- Renée Yoxon (Canada)
- Reptile Youth (Denmark)
- Reversing Falls (Canada)
- Ria Mae (Canada)
- Rihanna (USA)
- RLMDL (Canada)
- Robyn Dell’Unto (Canada)
- Rockets And Dinosaurs (Canada)
- Rococode (Canada)
- Ron Sexsmith (Canada)
- Rooftop Runners (Germany)
- RORY (Canada)
- Royal Creatures (Canada)
- S.M. (Canada)
- Salinas (Canada)
- Sam Allen (Canada)
- Sarah MacDougall (Canada)
- Sarah Troy (Canada)
- SAVANAH (Canada)
- SEAM (Canada)
- SEED (Canada)
- Septembryo (Canada)
- Seth Sentry (Australia)
- Shaky Knees (Canada)
- Sharon Van Etten (USA)
- Shawn Clarke (Canada)
- Shayne Franzman (Canada)
- Short of Able (Canada)
- Sidney York (Canada)
- SoHo Ghetto (Canada)
- Son of a 1000 Blues (South Africa)
- Sophmore Jakes (Canada)
- Standing Shadows (USA)
- Static In The Stars (Canada)
- Statue Park (Canada)
- Still Life (Canada)
- Stone River (Canada)
- stuck on planet earth (Canada)
- Stuck Out Here (Canada)
- Super Water Sympathy (USA)
- Susie McLean (Canada)
- Suzana d’Amour (Canada)
- Suzy Wilde (Canada)
- SWEET JANE (Ireland)
- T. Nile (Canada)
- Take Drugs (Canada)
- Tara Holloway (Canada)
- Tara Priya (USA)
- Technical Kidman (Canada)
- Telecraze (Iran)
- Telehaze (USA)
- Terrace (Canada)
- The Abramson Singers (Canada)
- The Archives (Canada)
- The Aves (Australia)
- The Ballroom Thieves (USA)
- The Black Ships (USA)
- The Blackboard Nails (USA)
- The Bloody Five (Canada)
- The Blue Van (Sweden)
- The Breaks (Canada)
- The Bright Road (Canada)
- The Cheap Speakers (Canada)
- The Cobrahawks (Canada)
- The Command Sisters (Canada)
- The Crookes (United Kingdom)
- The Cunninghams (Canada)
- The Curious Incident (United Kingdom)
- The Dead Exs (USA)
- The Dead Ships (USA)
- The Dirty Nil (Canada)
- The Dyadics (Canada)
- The Falls (Australia)
- The Gay Nineties (Canada)
- The good decisions (Israel)
- The Great Wilderness (Costa Rica)
- The Green Reflectors (Canada)
- The Hardships (Sweden)
- The Honeyrunners (Canada)
- The J. Davis Trio (USA)
- The Jessica Stuart Few (Canada)
- The Marrieds (Canada)
- The Matinee (Canada)
- The Medicine Hat (Canada)
- The Meds (Canada)
- The Midnite (Canada)
- The Mohawk Lodge (Canada)
- The Mojo Fins (United Kingdom)
- The Morals (Canada)
- The New Cities (Canada)
- The North (Canada)
- The Old Salts (Canada)
- The Outer Vibe (USA)
- The Perfects (USA)
- The River Junction Band (Canada)
- The Roper Show (Canada)
- The Schomberg Fair (Canada)
- The Snips (Canada)
- The Socials (Canada)
- The Stanfields (Canada)
- The Stogies (Canada)
- The Stone Sparrows (Canada)
- The Suburbians (United Kingdom)
- The Suppliers (Canada)
- The Town Heroes (Canada)
- The Trade-Offs (Canada)
- The Treble (Canada)
- the unquiet dead (Canada)
- The Will Coke Band (Canada)
- The Zolas (Canada)
- These Silent Waves (Canada)
- Third Branch (Canada)
- Thus:Owls (Sweden)
- Tim Chaisson (Canada)
- To Tell (Canada)
- Tonya Kennedy (Canada)
- Top Less Gay Love Tekno Party (Canada)
- Twin River (Canada)
- Two Hours Traffic (Canada)
- Urban Preacher (Canada)
- Vaudeville Smash (Australia)
- Vibonics (Canada)
- Vimes (Germany)
- Waterbodies (Canada)
- We Hunt Buffalo (Canada)
- We Need Surgery (Canada)
- We Were Lovers (Canada)
- We Were Sharks (Canada)
- We’re Doomed (Canada)
- White Ash Falls (Canada)
- Wil (Canada)
- Willie Stratton (Canada)
- Wolf Ram Heart (USA)
- Wolves As Friends (Peru)
- Wool on Wolves (Canada)
- Xenia Dunford (USA)
- Yasmine Hamdan (France)
- YOSHIKO (Japan)
- You vs Me (Canada)
- Your Favorite Enemies (Canada)
- Zoo Lion (Canada)
As part of the event’s international focus, this year’s festival will shine the spotlight on select acts from Japan, Korea and the European Nordic Region. Confirmed to date are:
- Efterklang (Denmark)
- Moto Boy (Sweden)
- Reptile Youth (Denmark)
- Tom Levin (Sweden)
- Riff Knives (Sweden)
- Sandra Kolstad (Norway)
- Esben Svane (Denmark)
- Endless Dark (Iceland)
- The Hardships (Sweden)
- Gang Related (Iceland)
- Rangleklods (Denmark)
- Antero Lindgren (Finland)
- Frantic Sunday (Sweden)
- Thus:Owls (Sweden)
- The Blue Van (Sweden)
Canadian Music Fest wristbands are on sale now For a limited time only, fans can purchase wristbands at a special 2-for-1 offer available only through the website.
Wristbands and Individual tickets for certain shows are also available at Ticketmaster - - or 1.855.985.5000 to charge by phone.
Stay tuned for more shows and announcements coming in January.
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
CANADIAN MUSIC WEEK 2013: Rihanna kicks off CMW at ACC march 19th
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Rihanna @ ACC March 19th
In case you haven't heard,
Rihanna has added a second show in Toronto as part of the Rihanna
Diamonds World Tour. The first date is SOLD OUT but tickets for March
19th at the Air Canada Centre are now available at Ticketmaster.
Presented by Live Nation, the show kicks off day one of Canadian Music
Fest - running March 19-24. A limited number of VIP wristbands will gain
access to this show so if you're looking for another way in, pick yours up now and take advantage of a special 2-for-1* deal (*limited time)
To find out who else is playing, stay tuned to and your inbox for a line-up announcement coming next week.
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13th Annual SiriusXM Indie Awards
Submit your nomination(s) for your chance
to be recognized by your industry peers, media and fans alike. Help us
celebrate your achievements among the independent music community.
Submit at before November 30th and receive discounted pricing. Final deadline to submit: December 15th.

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